Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Freaky Plant Facts: Extreme Greens (Science Slam: Plant-Ology) by Ellen Lawrence

Freaky Plant Facts: Extreme Greens (Science Slam: Plant-Ology) by Ellen Lawrence

Freaky Plant Facts: Extreme Greens (Science Slam: Plant-Ology)

Freaky Plant Facts: Extreme Greens (Science Slam: Plant-Ology) by Ellen Lawrence PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Whats the tallest tree in the world? How many thousands of years has the oldest plant on Earth been around? Which plant has the biggest leaves, or the largest flowers? In this title, young readers are introduced to some of the plant kingdoms most amazing record-breakers! While children enjoy reading about some of the planets most amazing plants, they will also be learning plenty of core science information about the parts of plants and plant life cycles. Filled with information perfectly suited to the abilities and interests of an early elementary audience, this colorful, fact-filled volume gives readers a chance not only to learn, but also to develop their powers of observation and critical thinking. From beautiful photographs to high-interest facts, Freaky Plant Facts: Extreme Greens makes learning about the worlds most amazing plants a lively and engaging experience. Freaky Plant Facts: Extreme Greens is part of Bearports Plant-ology series.

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