Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Forgiveness and Mercy (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law) by Jeffrie G. Murphy, Jean Hampton

Forgiveness and Mercy (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law) by Jeffrie G. Murphy, Jean Hampton

Forgiveness and Mercy (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law)

Forgiveness and Mercy (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law) by Jeffrie G. Murphy, Jean Hampton PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book focuses on the degree to which certain moral and legal doctrines are rooted in specific passions that are then institutionalized in the form of criminal law. A philosophical analysis is developed of the following questions: When, if ever, should hatred be overcome by sympathy or compassion? What are forgiveness and mercy and to what degree do they require--both conceptually and morally--the overcoming of certain passions and the motivation by other passions? If forgiveness and mercy indeed are moral virtues, what role, if any, should they play in the law?

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Forgiveness and Mercy (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law) by Jeffrie G. Murphy, Jean Hampton EPub

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