Kamis, 28 Januari 2016

PDF⋙ Mexico: Why a Few Are Rich and the People Poor by Ramon Ruiz

Mexico: Why a Few Are Rich and the People Poor by Ramon Ruiz

Mexico: Why a Few Are Rich and the People Poor

Mexico: Why a Few Are Rich and the People Poor by Ramon Ruiz PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Explicitly focusing on the malaise of underdevelopment that has shaped the country since the Spanish conquest, Ramón Eduardo Ruiz offers a panoramic interpretation of Mexican history and culture from the pre-Hispanic and colonial eras through the twentieth century. Drawing on economics, psychology, literature, film, and history, he reveals how development processes have fostered glaring inequalities, uncovers the fundamental role of race and class in perpetuating poverty, and sheds new light on the contemporary Mexican reality. Throughout, Ruiz traces a legacy of dependency on outsiders, and considers the weighty role the United States has played, starting with an unjust war that cost Mexico half its territory. Based on Ruiz’s decades of research and travel in Mexico, this penetrating work helps us better understand where the country has come, why it is where it is today, and where it might go in the future.

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