Rabu, 12 Agustus 2015

PDF⋙ Time for a Hug (Snuggle Time Stories) by Phillis Gershator, Mim Green

Time for a Hug (Snuggle Time Stories) by Phillis Gershator, Mim Green

Time for a Hug (Snuggle Time Stories)

Time for a Hug (Snuggle Time Stories) by Phillis Gershator, Mim Green PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A hug feels good. 
Let's hug again.
We'll hug at nine.
We'll hug at ten.

When is it time for a hug? Anytime! This feel-good story—now in the popular board book format—assures kids there's plenty of love to go around-the-clock.

From the moment Little Bunny wakes up in the morning until the moon comes out and the stars shine, every hour includes a warm hug from Big Bunny. Whether they bake or build, bike or hike, a caring hug always feels just right. This is a book that is generous with love, and full of the sweetest illustrations you've ever seen.

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Time for a Hug (Snuggle Time Stories) by Phillis Gershator, Mim Green EPub

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