Rabu, 01 Juli 2015

PDF⋙ Addiction for Nurses by G. Hussein Rassool

Addiction for Nurses by G. Hussein Rassool

Addiction for Nurses

Addiction for Nurses by G. Hussein Rassool PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Nurses are acknowledged as key agents in addressing alcohol and drug misuse at individual, family, and community levels. Addiction nursing is central to the assessment, management, and care of people with problematic use of psychoactive substances (both legal and illegal). Work takes place in a wide range of settings, from traditional hospital clinics and wards to community locations such as police custody suites and needle exchange facilities.

Addiction for Nurses is a comprehensive textbook for students, explaining the role of the nurse at each stage of intervention. Early chapters approach the subject from sociological, historical, and cultural perspectives, covering significant topics such as the nature of addiction, its social context, and addiction theory. The book then presents vital information about each of the main areas of addiction (nicotine, alcohol, opiates, cannabis, psychostimulants, and hallucinogens) with clinical and practical guidance on recognition, assessment, and treatment intervention strategies. Further chapters consider dealing with emergencies, blood-borne viruses, harm reduction, and work with specific client groups (for instance, black and ethnic minority communities, or those with special needs).

This book is an essential resource for all those who come into contact with alcohol and drug misusers and for specialist addiction nurses preparing for practice in this complex and rewarding field.

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