Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

PDF⋙ Camouflage by Tammy Jurnett Lewis

Camouflage by Tammy Jurnett Lewis


Camouflage by Tammy Jurnett Lewis PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

“Camouflage: Because I wear a Smile” Anthology Compiled by Tammy Jurnett-Lewis, forward by Cheryl Wood , by Co-Authors Asanta Michelle Brooks, Karyn Smith-Davis, Adrienne Dawkins, Ryan Elizabeth, Eliza Hawkins, DeAndria Lewis, Latrice Massey, Kimberly McGhee, Cora Genice Midgett, LaTonya Renee, Melody Stewart, Ahna White, Chelle Yancy The Power of the word "Camouflage" holds so many meanings...this is an inspirational book with over 14 authors! We humbly invite you to read these stories of amazing women of courage, whom wrote about their past struggles. Each Co-Author unveils the covering of her own Camouflage, which she used to blend in with her surroundings; in order to get through life. Watch the Triumphs of Transformations as the Camouflage is taken off and a metamorphosis takes place. Each author wrote about a painful situation in their lives and these stories unmask the Camouflage, to help heal not only their own souls, but yours as well. What are you Camouflaging in your life?

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